
Thursday, December 4, 2008

finals success!

Help others! Take a study break and Feed My Starving Children Wednesday, 12/10 from 10 a.m.-noon; 1-3 p.m; 3:30-5:30 p.m or 6-8 p.m.

Eat! University Ministries will host its excellent Late Night Pancake Event Wed., 12/10 from 9–11 p.m. Carbohydrates are brain food.

Study! Stop by the library and get a group study room, spread out at one of the tables, or hide from your friends (and Facebook) in a study carrel. We’re open 7:30 am - 12:30am now through December (excluding the weekend: Friday 7:30am - 6:00 pm; Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday 2pm-12:30am).

Exercise! Get your “Exam Exercise” in from noon - 1:00pm on exam days! A workout will help you sleep better, stay focused, and be a little less stressed. Just do it.

Get expert feedback @ the Writing Center! (call x6241 for an appointment): W ed 12/10: 8am-7:30 pm; Thurs 12/11: 8am-8pm; Fri 12/12: 8am-5pm; Mon 12/15: 9am-6:30 pm; Tue 12/16: 9am-2pm.

Celebrate! Wednesday, 12/17 5pm and 7pm. Support the women and men's basketball teams and enjoy the night off!

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